by Danielle Miller | Jan 15, 2015
Setting social media goals is essential for time management and focus. Take the time to identify which factors are the most important to track. What are your key performance indicators for brand exposure? Most people mistakenly assume brand exposure is measured by the...
by Danielle Miller | Dec 18, 2014
Grab your calendar! January is a fantastic time to set yourself up for success in 2015. Which of these marketing classes on Maui will you take? Don’t miss the BONUS class on Tue, Dec 30th! Marketing Class on Maui Class: Creating a Social Marketing Plan...
by Danielle Miller | Dec 1, 2014
Simple Tricks for Holiday Marketing Gifts. Sales. Parties. Visitors. Decorating. Hosting. Planning. There’s so much to think about this time of year. To help simplify your holiday marketing, we’ve put together three simple yet powerful ideas for social...
by Danielle Miller | Nov 2, 2014
Six Simple Strategies for Growing Your Fan Base One of my favorite social marketing influencers, Jay Baer once wrote, “nobody said social media was easy, just that it was awesome.” The journey of growing your social media audience is a long and slow one....
by Danielle Miller | Sep 20, 2014
From the INSTRUCTOR Danielle Miller is a small business enthusiast and marketing coach. Her company, Miller Media Management specializes in social media marketing for Maui businesses. She is teaching a series of business marketing courses this fall at UHMC through the...