by Danielle Miller | Jan 2, 2014
As a business owner you are likely to find yourself working long hours and wearing many hats. Defining your business motivation, especially in the beginning, is so important! The long hours and endless urge to innovate can be both physically and mentally draining....
by Danielle Miller | Dec 21, 2013
Save Time by Scheduling Your Posts As busy business owners there is rarely a time when we get to feel ahead of the curve. There is always something that needs to be created, improved, or addressed. Scheduling your social media posts in advance can give...
by Danielle Miller | Dec 19, 2013
Did you know? Pinterest is the fourth largest traffic source in the world. In fact, it drives more referral traffic to websites than LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube combined! Learn how this social network can help your business. Build relationship, establish brand...
by Danielle Miller | Nov 29, 2013
So you’ve decided to use social media as part of your business marketing strategy. This is a wonderful opportunity to build profitable relationships, collaborate with your fans, and connect with customers. The first step in using social media for business is...
by Danielle Miller | Nov 20, 2013
From the Pinterest Help Center: “Place Pins have a specific location connected to them. Now, you can add a place name to your Pin and get the address and other details. Place boards highlight all your Pins on a map. Note: the locations for Place Pins are...